Guide and give your baby the habit of proper oral cleansing, helping him learn how to take care of his own teeth not only helps prevent tooth decay in children but also helps him have a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. Flora Dentistry learns how to take care of your baby’s teeth when you have cavities.
1. Causes of tooth decay in children.
After eating, bacteria in the food remain on the teeth, bind to saliva to form plaque, and cover the teeth. When your baby eats, especially those from starch and sugar, it combines with plaque to make acid, which corrodes the in inorse of tooth enamel and dentin, causing cavities.
The reason for the highest tooth decay is due to the habit of eating too much sugar such as cakes, sweets, sweet fruits …
In addition, when the teeth are just deep but subjectively not treated early, it is the cause of tooth decay becomes more serious.
2. Signs of tooth decay in children
Your baby’s teeth are gloating or painful.
Your baby’s breath smells bad for a long time.
– Visible to the naked eye, you can often see decayed teeth, a white ivory spot or black dots on the teeth.
When experiencing the signs on the parents should take the baby to the dentist to take the earliest remedies, avoiding severe cavities and damage to the pulp.
3. How to take care of your baby’s teeth when he has cavities
If tooth decay is not treated, the condition gets worse and affects the deeper layers of the tooth. They can lead to toothache, serious infections and tooth loss. Here are the methods to take care of your baby’s teeth when they have cavities.
Get rid of bad habits.
- Limit bottle feeding at night because it will deepen and wear out the enamel of the baby teeth.
- Milk or juice that clings to the surface of the tooth throughout the night will destroy the structure of the tooth. When the child sleeps, the reduced saliva flow in the mouth makes the teeth more easily decayed.
- Train your child to drink milk with a glass and clean their teeth before going to bed.
- Children should not eat a lot of sweets, drink a lot of soft drinks because this is one of the factors that make teeth prone to decay. Because the sweeteners in the above foods are fermented into acids by bacteria in the mouth causing tooth decay.
- Not eating too hot or too cold food can harm your child’s oral health.
Strengthen good habits.
- Dental hygiene immediately after eating and before going to bed in the evening is the most effective and least expensive oral care measure
- Get your child checked out once or twice a year.
Oral hygiene guidelines for children with tooth decay
- Use your fingers to wrap the gauze, absorb clean water (boiled water to cool) gently rub the gums and teeth even if the child does not have teeth, usually after 20-30 minutes after eating to avoid vomiting.
- Use a brush to put in your finger.
- Toothpaste should only be used when the child is 3 years old and knows how to spit, it is recommended to use toothpaste for children because there is no corrosive substance.