A smile does not affect oral health, but the clefts lose the aesthetics of the face when smiling. With only 30 minutes of gummy smile treatment with modern machine technology, you have a beautiful smile naturally, more confident to communicate.

What age is appropriate for the treatment of laughter?

Laughter can occur in both children and adults. However, experts recommend that we should treat open laughter when we reach the age of 18. By then, the structure of the jaw bone was almost complete.

The harmony between lips, gums and teeth are the three main factors that create charm when smiling and creating a beautiful smile. If you smile, the profit that is more than a third is considered to be open will lose the aesthetics of the smile. To perform a successful open laughter treatment. Besides the workmanship of the doctor, the process, equipment and treatment technology are extremely important.

The treatment of laughter is beneficial.

Step 1: Examination and consultation, CT scan Cone Beam

Your doctor will evaluate your oral health. Customers will capture the CT Cone Beam 3D. The doctor will then advise the treatment of open laughter suitable for the customer.

Step 2: Clean the oral cavity and numb

The doctor performs oral hygiene. To get rid of bacteria, limit inflammation after surgery.

Step 3: Perform surgery

The duration of surgery for open laughter lasts from 30-45 minutes.

Step 4: Take care of the patient after the treatment smiles.

After the surgery is completed. The doctor will thoroughly examine and schedule a re-examination to monitor the client’s condition. Ensure absolutely safe, highly effective treatment results. Your doctor will show you how to take care of your teeth at home. Usually after about 1 week of surgery, the client will return to the dentist for re-examination and cutting only.

The smile is beautiful, confident, attracts all eyes with modern machinery technology, exclusive system at Flora Dentistry.

Cone Bean 3D CT Machine

gum-good laugh treatment

With the Cone Bean 3D CT machine the exact ratio of your teeth and gums will be accurately determined by millimeters, so the success of the surgery for the treatment of open gums is almost 100%. By:

  • Help your doctor properly assess the actual length of your teeth, when there are no covered gums compared to your doctor who measures the length of your gums on your mouth.
  • It also shows how much longer the length of teeth on the film is compared to the current patient’s teeth. Help the gum surgeon in the actual length, not based on the golden ratio of the tooth shape.
  • If the doctor only relies on the golden ratio will not be right for each specific case, the client’s teeth will not reveal the full length or reveal the root of the tooth to the outside, infringing on the biological range.

Where if the client treats Smile with a Lazer gum cutting method

Epic X Dental Laser Machine

Good Smile Treatment
The doctor uses a laser machine.
  • Laser light is moved by the doctor in the areas of the future gum contours previously determined, where the light moves, the gum area there will be removed.
  • Gum-cutting lasers have a very high accuracy rate. Heat from the lamp helps the wound heal quickly, dry, free from bleeding and does not cause pain.
  • The method of cutting gums with laser lights is simple, fast and extremely safe compared to traditional methods of cutting gums. The line of the root of the teeth is beautiful, natural.

Exclusive Pain Control System

Good Smile Treatment
Exclusive Pain Control System

The proprietary pain control system is built on years of proprietary research and development at Flora Dentistry. A highly qualified and experienced medical team is the one who best understands the concerns of customers before, during and after the treatment. In which the top issue of customers is is the healing of open smiles is painful?

From there, the pain control system was born to bring a whole new experience to customers to treat cleft palate. 30 minutes of painless rapid treatment is the biggest success this system can bring. The control system is strictly applied throughout the treatment of open laughter at Flora dentistry. Ensure smoothness before, during, and after treatment.

Hopefully, the above information from Flora dentistry has helped readers understand more about
the treatment of open laughter
. To pocket great offers from dentistry, please contact us immediately via your hotline 02873058999!

