New teeth that grow just below old teeth or permanent teeth that grow on milk teeth are common in small babies. This case will have unpredictable consequences. So why do old teeth that have not lost new teeth have sprung up and how to handle it? Flora Dentistry will answer through the article below!
1. Causes of new teeth to grow just below the old teeth.
Old teeth that have not fallen out but new teeth that have grown can also occur in some young children, mainly due to the following reasons:
- Due to eating habits: At the age of tooth replacement, if the child eats only soft, chopped or cooked foods, the baby teeth are not used much, making it difficult for the child’s teeth to be abrasive and wobbly. In this case, if not closely monitored, it is easy to experience the condition of milk teeth and permanent teeth growing at the same time.
- Due to misaligned in front teeth: This is a condition in which the next tooth grows in front of the invert or grows off to the inside of the baby’s jaw.
- Because babies grow milk teeth slowly: By the time of tooth replacement about 6 years old and the child has not fully grown the set of milk teeth (20 units), there will be certain effects in the process of replacing the child’s teeth. At the absence of baby teeth, permanent teeth grow without direction so it is easy to grow off into the next milk tooth. This may be the reason why parents see that the baby teeth do not fall out but the permanent teeth of the baby have grown.
2. Do new teeth that grow just below the old teeth have any consequences?
If parents do not closely monitor the process of teething and replacing the teeth of the child or do not have timely interventions that cause the baby teeth and permanent teeth to grow intertwined, it will lead to some consequences as follows:
- Loss of aesthetics: Because the teeth tend to grow out ofwards, it will cause the teeth to deviate or may cause the baby’s teeth to be outward, making the baby’s teeth will no longer be beautiful but also less graceful. In the long run, it will make your child afraid to communicate and self-deprecating when he does not have even and beautiful teeth like his peers, at this time parents will spend a large amount of money to overcome this situation for him.
- Poor chewing ability: When the teeth are not developed normally, it means that the bite is uneven. Your baby’s ability to chew is therefore reduced, lazy to eat. If prolonged, it can lead to a number of other diseases of the digestive system.
- Dental diseases: Crooked teeth are not aligned so the dental hygiene of the child will be difficult, the plaque from the excess food clinging to the openings of the teeth in the long run will have many bacteria develop causing diseases of tooth decay, periodontitis, root infection …
3. How to overcome and handle the condition of old teeth that have not lost new teeth that have grown.
Baby teeth have a role to help babies chew, pronounce, communicate daily more easily and especially the foundation to help permanent teeth grow in the right place. But if your baby has a condition where the baby teeth have not fallen out and the permanent teeth have grown parents should immediately take him to the medical center or dental clinic for timely treatment.
Here are two methods your doctor will usually specify to overcome the above consequences such as tooth extraction and braces.
3.1. Milk tooth extraction
This condition requires the dentist to perform tooth extraction to make room for permanent teeth to grow in the best way. In the procedure of tooth extraction, doctors will perform numbness so parents do not need to worry about their child ingering pain without giving it to be removed. This condition should be detected and treated as soon as possible.
3.2. Braces for children
After extracting the baby teeth, if the permanent teeth still tend to grow incorrectly, the dentist will now come up with a method of braces to adjust the teeth of the baby to the right and beautiful position. This will be done as soon as the permanent teeth in the child grow perfectly because at this time the child’s bones are not firm, so it will be easy to correct the teeth and limit the pain optimally.
Your baby may have braces or transparent braces to achieve the desired high results. But experts recommend using transparent braces to shorten the time of orthodontics for children, can be easily disassembled, cleaned easily and eat like normal teeth to avoid diseases that damage teeth such as cavities, myelitis,….
Currently, Flora Dentistry offers two services of braces and braces throughout Invisalign, dubbed “smooth dentistry”, when parents lead the baby to treatment without worry and will be very satisfied with the service here.