Many customers are having trouble with their braces during the covid-19 sensitivity that is raging in Ho Chi Minh City. At Flora Dentistry District 3 can still help you schedule braces for you this epidemic season.

Some old customers as well as new customers during the recent epidemic have many questions and difficult situations with the braces that are braces such as: slipped out, want to advise and treat the condition of misaligned tooth bites…. Therefore, Flora Dentistry has created a braces registration schedule below so that customers can conveniently book after the social distancing period:


Book braces


Quý Khách điền đầy đủ Họ và Tên tại đây
Quý Khách điền đầy đủ thông tin địa chỉ tại đây
Quý Khách hãy chia sẻ tình trạng hiện tại của niềng răng
Quý Khách hãy chọn thời gian phù hợp nhất để tới khám.

In addition to booking an appointment on the website, customers can book an appointment via fanpage channel:

For emergencies customers can leave the above information, the consultant will call the consultant directly and the client is talking to the doctor to find timely measures and prevent the customer from knowing how to handle but can still handle it at home.

Invisalign Transparent Braces Examination Procedure

At Flora Dentistry, the Invisalign braces procedure is carried out according to the following procedure:

  • Step 1: General examination of dental conditions
  • Step 2: X-ray, 3D dental marks, sending data to build a 3D treatment roadmap (in the US).
  • Step 3: Show 3D movies to customers in advance the results of braces, teeth moving through each tray through Clincheck Video software.
  • Step 4: When you have a tray, you will be attached by your doctor and you will start wearing a tray for braces, You can completely replace the tray at home according to the instructions available. And be sure to wear a tray 22 hours a day.
  • Step 5: After 1 or 3 months you return to the examination and after 1-2 years of wearing the tray you can complete the braces process.

Braces procedure at Flora

  • Step 1: Clinical examination
  • Step 2: The dentist thoroughly examines, explains to the patient and understands the condition of the teeth through the film taken from the Cone Beam CT machine.
  • Step 3: Analyze and update the database from there to the appropriate treatment regimen.
  • Step 4: When there is a regimen, the doctor will shave the tooth lime, clean the teeth. Then proceed to wear an instrument, attach braces and guide the patient to take care of the teeth during the orthodontics process.
  • Step 5: Re-examine periodically as prescribed by your doctor to tighten your teeth
  • Step 6: End the process of braces and wear the maintenance jaw.

Quy The safety braces at Flora have been tested through new smiles from customers. Make a free appointment with Flora via the website channel, Facebook and do not forget to follow the promotion updates as well as health protection this season!

