Porcelain teeth are the method of overcoming the most dental defects. Even those that cannot be overcome with veneering techniques

In recent years, porcelain tooth coverings have become more widely available than ever before. It is the result of an increase in the community’s concerns about aesthetics, more specifically smile aesthetics. Flora Dentistry is a place that fully meets the highest standards of believers pursuing the perfection of smiles.


Porcelain tooth wrap
(also known as cosmetic porcelain tooth cover) is the technique of covering the entire body of the tooth by a porcelain layer with a thickness of 0.5 – 0.7mm. This is an aesthetic dental restoration solution, bringing the standard shape, bright white color and ensuring the chewing function is exactly the same as real teeth.

The porcelain covering of the aforemented crown is called a porcelain crown. Crafted exquisitely under modern technology, porcelain crowns have a very natural clarity and gloss, the edge of the sharp bite is difficult to distinguish from real teeth. Porcelain crowns are composed of 02 main parts: the inner ribs and the outer porcelain coating.

What is porcelain teeth
What is porcelain teeth?

Dental implants can overcome the following conditions:

    • Light teeth/ teeth
    • Teeth crowded, slightly deflected
    • Teeth sparse/ short / small / broken
    • Stained teeth / flour infection / antibiotic infection

In addition, porcelain teeth are also used to restore missing teeth, known as porcelain bridge making techniques.


Currently on the market you can find a lot of different names of porcelain teeth. Half of them are named after porcelain teeth, the other half are names set by the cosmetic/dental center itself. So what kind of porcelain teeth should I cover?

Basically porcelain teeth are divided into 02 main types: metal porcelain teeth and porcelain teeth.

    • Metal porcelain teeth

Metal porcelain teeth are porcelain teeth whose inner flanks are made of alloys and the outside is covered with a layer of Ceramco3 porcelain. The alloys used can be: Cr – Co, Cr – Ni, Ni – Cr – Titan. In which porcelain teeth with ribs are Ni – Cr – Titanium alloy is called Titanium porcelain teeth when containing 4-6% pure titanium. This is the most common metal tooth currently.

metal porcelain tooth wrap
Metal Porcelain Tooth Cover

Titanium porcelain teeth are affordable while ensuring full functionality for teeth. However, after 3-5 years, the alloy ribs are oxidized by the environment in the mouth. Therefore, the person who covers the metal porcelain teeth will have the condition of the gum area around the blackened root of the tooth. This blackened gum does not affect health but will not guarantee aesthetics.

Therefore, titanium porcelain teeth are often indicated for molars – teeth that do not require high vision. In addition, titanium porcelain teeth will have a more opaque color because the frame is metal, so it is not as natural as porcelain teeth.

Titanium porcelain teeth have a warranty period of 3 years

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Harmful effects of metal porcelain teeth cover

    • Porcelain teeth

Porcelain teeth are porcelain teeth with an inner flank and an all-porcelain outer coating. Thus eliminating the black contour of the gums of metal porcelain teeth. Porcelain teeth are the perfect solution for cases of porcelain for in front teeth or full-jaw porcelain. They give absolute naturality, perfect innerness and gloss. At Flora Dentistry, porcelain teeth include the following genuine lines:

    • Diamond porcelain teeth: 10-year warranty
    • Lava Plus Porcelain Teeth: 15-year warranty
    • Cercon/ Cercon HT porcelain teeth: 7-year warranty
    • Zirconia porcelain teeth: 10-year warranty
porcelain tooth wrap at flora
Porcelain dental cover

In addition to the difference in warranty period, the aforementioned all-porcelain teeth are distinguished by many factors: toughness, bearing, aesthetic shine, sharpness of the edge of the bite, … So their prices will also be different.

During the first visit, after assessing the condition of your teeth and understanding your needs, your specialist will help you choose the right line of porcelain teeth that suit your desires and finances.

How much does it cost to cover porcelain teeth?


3Perfect Makeover dental technology
has been researched and developed exclusively by the medical team – doctors at Flora Dentistry for many years. The ultimate goal of 3Perfect Makeover technology is absolute perfection in cosmetic porcelain teeth:

    • Perfect aesthetic

At Flora Dentistry, porcelain dental aesthetics are evaluated based on the following criteria:

Natural: The factor that determines whether porcelain teeth are natural, identical to real teeth or not is the color and innerness and gloss of porcelain teeth.

In terms of color, porcelain teeth have a full color palette of tones from the darkest to the brightest. The principles of choosing porcelain tooth color to achieve perfect naturalness are as follows:

CaseColor selection baseColor selection principles
Porcelain wrap for a few teethBased on the color of the remaining teeth, including: neck color, bite edge color, tooth stem color.
    • The neck of the tooth will be slightly darker than the crown. On the contrary, the edge of the bite has brightness and is clearer than the crown.
    • The color of the porcelain teeth needs to be exactly the same as the rest of the real teeth.
Full-jaw porcelain wrapBased on the gender, age, skin color, lip color, eye color of each individual.
    • Men should choose opaque white to show masculinity. Women should choose a bright, clear white color.
    • Middle-aged people should choose opaque white.
    • People with dark skin should choose a cloudy white color. Light-colored skin chooses a bright white color. Yellow skin should choose opaque yellow or white yellow.
    • The color of porcelain teeth must not be whiter than the color of the eye. The front teeth need to be brighter than the back teeth.
porcelain tooth wrap color

Doctors with many years of experience are the most knowledgeable about porcelain dental aesthetics. After understanding your wishes, your doctor will rely on the above-mentioned professional principles to help you choose the most suitable and natural porcelain tooth color.

In terms of the inner and gloss of porcelain teeth: Porcelain teeth used in 3Perfect Makeover technology are crafted using the most modern CAD/CAM system in the world. Thanks to the meticulous and sophisticated process of crafting, the porcelain crowns are created with a degree of indestruction and gloss no different from real teeth. In addition, the edge of the bite is handled sharply, clear. It is difficult to distinguish from real teeth, even when examined with X-rays.

Harmony: In 3Perfect Makeover, Smile Design software is used in the design and preview of smiles. Put the golden ratio of 1/1,618 in Pythagoras aesthetic knowledge into use in porcelain tooth design. A tooth is considered beautiful when the size correlation between height and width is approximately the golden ratio. The arrangement of the teeth in front of the upper jaw also follows the golden ratio, when shining on the plane will create a continuous golden ratio between the teeth.

Application of golden ratio in porcelain tooth wrap technology 3Perfect Makeover at Flora Dentistry
Application of golden ratio in porcelain tooth wrap technology 3Perfect Makeover at Flora Dentistry

In addition to the size correlation, the smile design is based on the analysis of the correlation of teeth – jaw bone – lips – gums. The appropriate tooth shape design (ovan, square, rectangular, triangular) meets the highest requirements for harmony, in line with the overall face and visual aesthetic. And an indispensable criterion for creating perfect harmony is to fit with anthropology.

    • Perfect technique

Porcelain dental cover is a technique that requires absolute accuracy in engineering. At Flora Dentistry, we are proud of our team of well-trained and experienced doctors. As a result, more than 1,000 cosmetic dental restorations have been successfully completed in the past year.

Dental enamel treatment is the most important in porcelain tooth restoration. In 3Perfect Makeover technology, the treatment of enamel or grinding teeth is minimal, only from 0.0 to 0.7mm. Preserve root teeth up to 99%. The restoration process is carefully cared for, not invasive, does not hurt the surrounding areas.

    • Perfect quality

In 3Perfect Makeover, all repaired porcelain teeth are crafted under the CAD/CAM system for excellent light thinness, but ensure durability. The bearing capacity of porcelain teeth is 4-6 times that of real teeth. Just with proper care, the life of porcelain teeth will be up to a lifetime.


With 3Perfect Makeover porcelain teeth wrap technology, the time for porcelain teeth restoration is shortened, FAST – HIGH AESTHETIC. The process of porcelain teeth wrap is completed in 03 appointments, relieving the worry of “how long does porcelain tooth wrap take?

Porcelain Dental Upholstery Procedure at Flora Dentistry
Porcelain Dental Upholstery Procedure at Flora Dentistry
    • First date (30 minutes)

Examination and treatment planning: The doctor conducts a general examination, carefully reviewing the dental condition of the client. From there, come up with a detailed treatment plan to bring the best results.

    • Second appointment (5 minutes per tooth)

Dental hygiene and temporary dental marks: The customer’s oral cavity is carefully cleaned to ensure maximum safety during porcelain dental upholstery. At the same time, take a mark to make temporary teeth. Therefore, customers can eat normally while waiting for porcelain teeth to be finished.

Anesthesia, leprosy (for cases where teeth need to be grinded) and porcelain teeth: Flora technology allows for very little grinding, careful anesthesia before grinding, ensuring no pain during and after the procedure.

    • Third appointment (3 minutes/ tooth)

Customers can try and see porcelain teeth on their mouths. If completely satisfied with aesthetics: shape, color of teeth, the doctor will carry out fixed porcelain teeth.

Attaching porcelain crowns is the final step, perfecting the process of porcelain teeth. The doctor conducts a completed porcelain tooth test on the customer’s mouth, fixes the porcelain teeth in the right place, hugs the crown tightly, ensuring that the porcelain teeth are firm when chewing exactly like real teeth.

Instructions for care and re-examination according to the doctor’s appointment.

Open teeth after porcelain teeth cover; Causes and remedies >>
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porcelain teeth restoration customer

Customer Phong Pham – “I am surprised that the time is faster than I think, very convenient for people outside the province. Porcelain teeth eating solid, attentive care. Thank you Flora.”

Porcelain-encrusted moonlight

Moonlight Customer – “I was afraid to grind my teeth, and chose Flora because I applied the new 3Perfect Makeover technology, which does not affect the original teeth much. The service is very good, the doctor and the staff are attentive and friendly.”

Kh tuong khoa

Customer Tuong Khoa
– I do not worry much, just believe absolutely in the doctor. Very satisfied with the results, everyone praised their teeth white, beautiful and natural teeth. Thank you, Dr. Minh and you at Flora Dentistry.


With so many different names and prices on the market today, it is difficult for customers to distinguish and choose the right way. The following important factors will form the price of porcelain teeth:

  • The porcelain teeth of your choice
  • Dental dental technology
  • Dental facilities and equipment
  • Qualifications and skills of doctors
  • Quality of service
  • Post-treatment care regimen

A cheap dental care will not be able to meet the above standards for you. Many cases come to Flora Dentistry in a state of severe inflammation of gums due to the wrong porcelain teeth, from less prestigious addresses. This is a problem directly related to aesthetics and health. Therefore, instead of looking for cheap porcelain tooth-wrapped addresses, you should thoroughly research and choose a quality, safe place. A single porcelain tooth cover and the perfect smile for life.

At Flora Dentistry, Titanium porcelain teeth cost 2.5 million/ tooth and all-porcelain teeth cost from 5 million to 12 million / tooth.

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The latest porcelain tooth cover price list at Flora Dentistry


It can be seen that with the great benefits that porcelain teeth can bring, they are really worth the investment. However, not everyone is qualified to cover porcelain teeth, regain the perfect smile. Therefore, at Flora Dentistry, we apply the 0% installment dental wrap program with many utilities:

  • Credit card installments – supporting more than 23 banks in Vietnam
  • 0% interest rate
  • No instaltal charges
  • No upfront requests
  • Customers have the option of installment term: 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or 1 year.



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